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Monday, May 12, 2008

Simplify My Life: Food Storage with Simply Living Smart

Photo © Aleksander Momirovic
I have been taking steps for several months now to simplify my life. My whole life makeover has included living on less, finding new ways to use/reuse, and working smarter not more/harder. These things free up more time for me to spend with my family and doing the things I love to do. They save me money on top of all the time they save. Many of these things are environmentally friendly. Above all else, they add to the peace and joy felt by my family and myself.

With the rising costs of food and fuel, I am so grateful that I have so many things in place to help my family not feel “the crunch” so much.

As I continue to search for more information on how to add to my life overhaul, I come across some websites or articles that really make a significant impact when incorporated into my plan.

Today, I found yet another of those websites, and wanted to share it with you. I was reading the news on, and through that found a link to Simply Living Smart.

This website is jam-packed with great info into how to set up a realistic and affordable food storage system. The plan’s foundation is, in part, to see food storage not as something separate, but as part of your kitchen pantry. Eating what you store and storing what you eat helps make this system practical, easy, and affordable.

Food storage staples such as powdered milk, wheat, and dried beans are discussed along with innovative and delicious new ways to incorporate them into daily menus – thereby saving money and adding into the ‘eat what you store and store what you eat’ philosophy. Items such as powdered dairy products, grains, and legumes all have a long shelf life, which increases your food storage viability as well as your spending dollar.

However, food storage is not all about wheat, beans, and dry milk. Canned, boxed, and frozen foods you love are also part of the plan.

Another thing discussed is how to quickly and simply make your own affordable mixes. These mixes save you time and money, and increase the opportunities your family will have to eat healthy. The introductory video mentioned that healthy meals using these mixes could usually be made in about 20 minutes or so. Gotta love that!

Joining the site is free, and members can get access to vendors with quality products willing to give discounts to them just for being a member.

As they continue to add to the site and improve the features, I am sure many more great things will be added that will make this site a favorite among many.

Be sure to check it out, and then let us all know what you thought about the site and tips offered.

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